
Vanilla Villanueva

a 28 year old freelancing nsfw artist.
business email: [email protected]
currently not available for work.
send me stuff on my straw page!

Commission Price Menu


business email: [email protected]if you are interested in commissioning me, please describe all details of your commission (scenario, number of characters, references if necessary), and include the email to your paypal if possible.the following is my commission process:1. once we are in agreement, i will work on a sketch and provide WIPs and updates to you in case you have any suggestions, changes, or additions you'd like to make in the piece. if a certain addition you'd want would alter the price in any way, i will let you know so we can confirm said addition.
2. after the sketch is complete, i will go forward with linearting the piece and continue sending you WIPs and progress shot to make you're satisfied with the progress of the commission.
3. when the lineart is complete, i will send an invoice to your paypal and will only continue with the picture when the invoice is paid.
4. once the commission is finished, the completed picture will be sent to you as an imgur link (either .png or .jpg) with my signature and will be posted online unless specified otherwise. please let me know if you'd like a .psd or .csp file as well.


begins at 30USD or more, paid upfront.
a sketch at base price involves 1-2 characters and your choice of the piece in b&w or in color. backgrounds are usually very simple; either a gradient, pattern, or a very simple furniture piece (a bed, for example.)
additional characters are 15USD each.
edits (facial expressions, cum, etc) are 10USD each.
begins at 15USD or more, paid upfront.
a sketch at base price involves 1-2 characters. backgrounds are nonexistent. rough sketches might have small details colored simply (blush, horns, clothing, etc).
additional characters are 10USD each.


begins at 100USD or more.
an illustration at base price involves 1-2 characters. backgrounds are same as above, but more detailed backgrounds will vary in price and require discussion.
additional characters are 25USD each.
edits (facial expressions, cum, etc) are 15USD each.

my limits are equal to my pen name.
i am not comfortable with drawing subject matters that are controversial, illegal, or stomach turning in nature. these include topics dealing with incest, noncon, pedophilia, bestiality, guro, and so on. if you're curious whether i'd dabble in a subject that i haven't listed here, feel free to contact me so i may clear up any confusion.
additionally, i do not feel comfortable illustrating aged up porn; minors with fanmade adult designs. i do not feel comfortable illustrating porn of any real person, even an illustrated version of your real self ('sonas', 'self-insert', etc). the exception to this is if it's a fictional design, like a 'fursona'.i do not mean any offense with these limits, i only want them to be respected professionally.